Team work

How to restore team account Receivable status?

  • Inviting New Members: To restore your account to a receivable status where it can again receive tips, you must invite new members to join your team.
  • Acceptance Required: The account status will only change back to receivable once a new member accepts your invitation and joins the team, ensuring there are active participants to manage and receive tips.
If you want invite to team:
  • Go to “My Team” in your dashboard.
  • Use the “Invite Members” feature to send invitations by entering the Tuker IDs of potential members.
  • Monitor Invitations: Keep track of sent invitations and their statuses through your team dashboard.

What Happens When the Last Member Quits a Team?

In the event that the last member of a team leaves, our system automatically updates the status of the team to ensure the integrity and functionality of the tipping process. Here’s what occurs and what you need to know:

Change in Account Status
  • Non-Receivable Status: Once the last team member leaves, your team account’s status will be changed to “Non-Receivable.”
  • Effect on Tipping: In this status, customers will not be able to send tips to your account. This prevents any funds from being directed to an inactive or unmanaged team.

What Happens When the Last Member Leaves a Group?

Our system ensures a smooth transition and fair redistribution of resources when the last member of a group within a team account decides to quit. Here’s what you can expect and how the system manages these changes:

Automatic Redistribution of Group Percentages
  • System Check: When the last member of a group leaves, the system automatically checks for other active groups within the team that still have members.
  • Redistribution: If other active groups exist, the percentage previously assigned to the now-empty group is redistributed among these active groups.
How Percentages Are Redistributed
  • Equal Redistribution: The system divides the percentage of the vacant group equally among the remaining active groups. This ensures that all active groups receive an additional share of tips proportionate to the redistribution.
  • Example: If a group with 20% share becomes vacant and there are four remaining active groups, each of these groups will receive an additional 5% (20% divided by 4) to their existing percentages.
Adjustments in Tip Distribution
  • Immediate Effect: The new percentage allocations take effect immediately, influencing the next cycle of tip distribution. This means that all subsequent tips received by the team will be distributed according to the new percentages.
Monitoring Changes
  • Notifications: Team owners will receive notifications about these changes. This ensures transparency and allows for any necessary adjustments or planning.
  • Dashboard Updates: The changes in percentages and group statuses are reflected in the team’s dashboard for easy tracking and management.

How does the Team Tip Distribution System works?

Our platform allows team owners to effectively manage and distribute tips through a structured system of groups within each team. Here’s how the distribution works based on the percentage allocations for each group.

Setting Up Groups within Your Team
  • Group Creation: As a team owner, you can create multiple groups within your team. Each group can be assigned a specific percentage that dictates how tips are split among them.
Allocating Percentages to Groups
  • Percentage Distribution: The total percentage allocation across all groups must equal 100%. This ensures that all tips received by the team are fairly distributed.
  • Example: If you create three groups and assign them percentages of 50%, 30%, and 20%, then the tips will be divided accordingly.
Distribution of Tips to Groups
  • Receipt of Tips: When tips are received by the team, they are not pooled into a main group but are instead directly distributed among the sub-groups based on the assigned percentages.
  • Tip Sharing Within Groups: Once a group receives its portion of the tips, the money is then equally divided among the members of that specific group.
Managing Group Percentages
  • As a team owner, you have the flexibility to adjust the percentages assigned to each group, ensuring the distribution aligns with the team’s operational dynamics. However, ensure that the sum of all percentages remains at 100%.
Need Assistance?

If you require help with setting up groups, adjusting percentages, or any other aspects of the tip distribution system, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via the help section on our website.