Team invite

How to join to a Team Account

If you are using a personal account and wish to join a team, the process involves an invitation from the team owner. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Receiving an Invitation
  • The team owner sends an invitation from their team management panel.
  • You will receive a notification in your account and an email alert about the invitation.
Step 2: Accepting the Invitation
  • To join the team, log in to your profile.
  • Navigate to the notifications section where you can view the team invitation.
  • Click on “Accept Invitation” to join the team. Your profile will be immediately updated, and you will be listed as a team member.

How to Find and Manage Invited Members?

Once you have invited members to join your team, you can easily track and manage their invitation statuses. Follow these steps to view and understand the current status of each invited member.

Accessing Invited Members
  • Log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the “My Team” section from the main menu and click on “Invite Members.”
Invited Members Block
  • Within the “Invite Members” page, you will find the “Invited Members” block. This section will automatically appear once at least one user has been invited.
  • Here, you can see a list of all the users you have invited, along with their current invitation status.
Understanding Invitation Statuses
  • Each user listed in the “Invited Members” block will have one of the following statuses:some text
    • Waiting for Confirmation: The invitation has been sent, and the user has not yet responded.
    • Accepted: The user has accepted your invitation and is now a member of your team.
    • Rejected: The user has declined the invitation.
Need Help?

If you need assistance with managing invitations or have any questions about the status of invited members, please contact our support team through the help center available on our website.

How to Invite Members to Your Team?

Inviting new members to join your team is an easy process. Follow these steps to send an invitation using their unique Tuker ID.

Step 1: Go to “My Team”
  • Log in to your account.
  • Navigate to the “My Team” section from the main menu. This page will show you your current team setup and management options.
Step 2: Invite Members
  • Inside the “My Team” section, click on “Invite Members”. This will open the invitation interface where you can search for new team members.
Step 3: Search for Members
  • In the search bar, enter at least the first 5 letters of the Tuker ID of the person you want to invite. The Tuker ID is a unique code assigned to each user, which makes searching more accurate.
Step 4: Send the Invitation
  • Once you have located the user in the search results, click on their profile.
  • Review the user’s profile to confirm it’s the correct person, then click the “Invite” button to send them.

How to Quit a Team?

If you decide to leave a team, you can do so easily through your account settings. Follow these step-by-step instructions to remove yourself from a team:

Step 1: Navigate to “My Teams”
  • Log in to your account.
  • Go to the main menu and select “My Teams”. This will take you to a page listing all the teams you are currently a part of.
Step 2: Select the Team to Leave
  • Browse through the list of teams until you find the one you wish to leave.
  • Click on the team name to open the team’s profile.
Step 3: Quit the Team
  • In the team’s profile, look for the “Quit Team” button. This is usually located at the bottom of the page or in the settings menu.
  • Click “Quit Team”. A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to confirm your decision.
Step 4: Confirm Your Decision
  • To proceed with leaving the team, click “Confirm” in the confirmation dialog.
  • Once confirmed, you will be removed from the team and will no longer have access to the team’s exclusive content or discussions.
Need Assistance?

If you encounter any issues during the process or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team via the help center on our website.